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What is a group of moose called?

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Male mousses are called bulls, female mousses are called cows, and young mousses are called calves. A group of elk is called a herd. The plural form of mousse is "mousse".

What is a 3 mousse?

The only correct plural of mousse is mousse. Sometimes people add an S to the mousse, which is incorrect. Moose comes from the Algonquin tribe, a Native American language. Instead of adopting the usual S ending of most English plurals, we kept the same plural ending as the original language.

What is called a zebra group?

A group of zebras can be called dazzling. .. Zebras are also sometimes referred to as herds or enthusiasm.

What is a beaver group called?

Beavers are very sociable and live in groups called colonies. One lodge is often the home of a monogamous couple. They are their young people and older children born a year ago.

What is a male moose?

The elk, called a bull, begins to grow its antlers in the spring in preparation for the autumn mating season. Large, mature bulls with well-developed antlers usually mate with female elk, called cows. When bulls are competing for the same cow, they can use antlers to fight their enemies.

What is a group of moose called?

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