What is a roe deer?

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ЕвропС́йская косу́ля, козуля, дикая козаилипростокосуля—парнокопытноСТивотноС сСмСй ства

Despite its distribution in the Old World, roe deer are more closely associated with New World deer than Old World deer. They are well adapted to cold environments, ranging from Northern Europe and Asia to the high mountains of Central Asia, and from the south to Spain.

How do you identify roe deer?

Roe deer, a slender, medium-sized deer, has short antlers and no tail. Mostly brown, reddish in summer and dark gray in winter. There is a thin buff patch around the butt.

Is roe deer the same as venison?

In general, the smaller the deer, the finer and more delicate the meat. Roe, muntjak, and Chinese water deer are smaller, milder-tasting animals. Large sika deer and fallow deer have coarser grain and richer meat, while large red deer give the most open textured and game-like venison of all.

Can I eat roe deer?

Roe – Roe Deer is considered a venison rolls royce and the quality of the diet is very good. The meat is tender, mild and tender, and very easy to cook. Fallows are the deer I most often stalk and cook. From the chef's point of view, the meat is nice, grainy, not too strong and very well harvested.

What is a roe deer?

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