29окт. 2019г. Xoloitzcuintli ("show-low-eats-QUEENT-lee") or Mexican hairless dogs, dating back 3000 years, are still unique varieties today.
What is unique about Xoloitzcuintli?
Although it is famous for having no hair, there are actually two types of Xolo, hairless and coated. Hairless breeds have a tough skin that protects the dog from scratches and scratches, and may have some coarse hair on the head, tail and paws. Conversely, coated Xolo has a very short, smooth coat throughout the body. 2019
What is Xolo
Xoloitzcuintle (or Xoloitzquintle, Xoloitzcuintli, or Xolo) is one of several breeds of hairless dogs. Found in Estándar (standard), Intermedio (intermediate), and Miniatura (miniature) sizes. .. Hairless variants are known as Perropelón mexicano or Mexican hairless dogs.
Why is Xoloitzcuintli important?
In ancient Mexico, Xoloitzcuintli was sacred. Dogs were frequently sacrificed and placed in the grave of their recently deceased owner. It was thought to help guide the owner's soul safely to the land of the dead. They were also thought to cure a variety of health conditions.
What is Coco's Xolo?
The Pixar movie Coco has a charismatic and bald character: Dante, Mexican hairless dog, or Xoloitzcuintli. This rare ancient breed is essential to Aztec culture, but that doesn't mean you run out of dogs and need to buy.
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