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What kind of dog did the Aztecs eat?

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A Mexican hairless dog worshiped and eaten by the Aztecs. The 7th. 2018 г.

Did the Aztecs use dogs?

The Aztecs tamed dogs to keep them as pets, and Chihuahua's relative "itzcuintli" was popular. But they ate dogs for feasts and special occasions. .. The Aztecs believed that after a dog died on Earth, it could lead the human soul to a new life and protect it by burying pyramids and other monuments underneath.

What is an Aztec dog?

Xoloitzcuintlis dates back to the Aztec era of ancient Mexico and has existed for 3,000 years. The name comes from the Aztec fire god Xolo and the Aztec "dog" itzcuintli. 11 сент. 2019

What kind of dog is Dante?

Dog Dante is one of the stars in the Oscar-nominated animated film Coco, but his roots are in Mexico, like the movie. The Disney / Pixar Flick puppy is modeled after the Mexican national dog Xoloitzcuintli.

Did the Aztecs sacrifice the dog?

Just as we distinguish between the animals we tame at home and the animals we eat, so did the Aztecs. There is little evidence that they consumed their dogs on a regular basis, but they sacrificed them so that they could continue to work as companions in the afterlife.

What kind of dog did the Aztecs eat?

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