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What is life expectancy and why does it matter?

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Life expectancy is an important indicator for assessing the health of the population. Wider than the narrow metric of infant mortality, which focuses solely on young age mortality, life expectancy captures mortality throughout the life course. This shows the average age of death of the population.

Why is it important to have a long life expectancy?

This shows that the most important factor in promoting economic growth is to extend a healthy working life by one year. If that can be achieved, GDP will increase by 2.7%, 1% increase in uptime will be 1.6%, and 1% increase in productivity will increase 1%.

What exactly is life expectancy?

Life expectancy, an estimate of the additional average years that a person of a certain age can expect to live. The most common measure of life expectancy is life expectancy at birth. Life expectancy is a fictitious measure. 2021

What does life expectancy tell us about a country?

This represents the life expectancy of a newborn baby and is an indicator of the country's overall health. Problems such as famine, war, illness, and poor health can reduce life expectancy. Improving health and welfare prolongs life expectancy. The longer life expectancy, the better the shape of the country.

What is life expectancy and why does it matter?

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