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What is more than 1 deer called?

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Deer are accepted as plurals, but are rarely used. The word deer comes from the Old English deor. This means a beast, a four-legged animal. Also, Dutch dier and German tier. Deer is one of a set of irregular plural words such as sheep and fish.

What are the two deer called?

One deer is called a deer. Two or more are also called "deer". 2015

What is the plural of deer?

Nouns, plural deer, (sometimes) deer. One of several ruminants in the deer family, most of the males have stiff, deciduous antlers. One of the smaller species of this family, distinct from elk and elk.

Why is there no plural form in deer?

As a word for both a single animal and the same group of animals, deer resembles other simultaneous singular forms and collective nouns such as fish. Many English nouns are irregular and do not use the trailing -s or -es of the standard plural.

Is it a flock of deer?

A group of deer is often called a herd.

What is more than 1 deer called?

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