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What is the average size of a donkey?

Animal Expert
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The average donkey has an overall height of 43.0 "-57.0" (109-145 cm), a dead height of 36.0 "-48.0" (92-123 cm), and a body length of 57.0 "-76.0" (76.0). 145-193 cm). A typical donkey weighs 400-500 pounds (180-225 kg) and has a lifespan of about 25-40 years.

What is the standard donkey size?

Standard donkeys exceed 9, less than 12 hands (36-48 inches), large standard donkeys 12-14 hands (48-56 inches), mammoth donkeys at least 14 hands (56 inches or more) )is.

What is the average size and weight of a donkey?

Usually weighs 400-500 pounds. (180-225 kg) and 36 inches-48 inches (92 cm-123 cm) from hoof to shoulder. 31 мар. 2016

How tall is a full-sized donkey?

79 –160 смДомашний осёл / Рост

What is the average size of a donkey?

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