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What is the difference between a tiger & an ocelot?

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Size Differences Tigers are the largest felines in the world, measuring 12.5 feet (including tail) and weighing 650 pounds. About them

What is the difference between a tiger and a lion?

Their appearance is the most obvious difference between a lion and a tiger. Tigers have bold black stripes throughout their bodies, while lions do not. .. Tigers are longer, muscular, and generally heavier than lions, but lions are taller than tigers.

What is the difference between a tiger and a cheetah?

Tigers are bigger and heavier than cheetahs. Tigers are found only in Asia, but cheetahs are currently only distributed in Africa. Tigers can roar, but cheetahs cannot. Therefore, tigers are considered big cats, but cheetahs are not.

How can you tell the difference between a tiger and a cat?

Male tigers are usually larger than females. They have a longer tail and larger legs. A tiger with a cub is probably a female, as male tigers do not help raising children. Tigers are not social animals and usually hunt alone.

What is the difference between a tiger and a leopard?

Tigers have dark vertical stripes on a white or orange background. Instead of vertical stripes, leopards have spots or rosettes on their fur. There are many small spots on the leopard's body. Comparing the sizes of the two cats, the leopard is smaller than the tiger.

What is the difference between a tiger & an ocelot?

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