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What is the difference between Asian elephants and African elephants?

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The easiest way to distinguish between African and Asian elephants is to look at your ears. African elephants have much larger ears and look like the African continent, while Asian elephants have smaller and round ears. African elephants and Asian elephants also have different head shapes.

What are the main differences between African elephants and Indian elephants?

1. African elephants have large ears that reach the neck, while Indian elephants have small ears that do not reach the back. 2. African elephants are heavier and larger than Indian elephants.

Can African elephants mate with Asian elephants?

Older men tend to be lonely. Asian elephants and African elephants do not come into contact in the wild, so there is only one cross between the two species. In 1978, at the Chester Zoo in the United Kingdom, the Asian elephant Sheva gave birth to a calf with the African elephant bull Jumbolino. 16th. 2010

What about Asian and African elephants?

It has a trunk, a large body, ears that cool the body, pillar-like legs, and sparse hair. .. The African elephant has a square head, large ears, and a swaying back. Asian elephants have round heads, small ears, and humps on their backs.

Are Asian elephants smarter than African elephants?

Elephant encephalization quotient (EQ) (brain size relative to body size) ranges from 1.13 to 2.36. The average EQ is 2.14 for Asian elephants, 1.67 for African elephants, and the overall average is 1.88.

What is the difference between Asian elephants and African elephants?

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