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What is the friendliest reptile to have as a pet?

Animal Expert
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Cool Factor: 7 reptiles for cooling with Anor. This cool lizard boasts a colorful neck pouch and is perfect for beginner reptile pet parents. the bearded dragon. Don't be fooled by the name. This reptile is more lizard than a dragon! Leopard gecko. a snake. turtle. turtle. water dragon.

What are the most familiar reptiles for pets?

A bearded dragon. Despite their horrifying appearance, these exotic-looking lizards are generally friendly and gentle. .. Leopard gecko. Leopard geckos come in a variety of colors and marking patterns, as they are slower than regular geckos and do not have sticky pads to facilitate escape. .. Blue-tongued lizard. .. Crested gecko. .. Uromasty x.5 Great beginner pet lizard for kids

What is the friendliest reptile to have as a pet?

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