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What is the gestation period of an ocelot?

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How often do you have babies in Ocelot?

Ocelots mate at any time of the year, but can only lay eggs once a year. The gestation period is 79 to 82 days, and usually one kitten is born. Two littermates are less common. Ocelot's kittens begin to leave their burrows about three months after birth, but stay with their mother for up to two years.

How long is the life of Ocelot?

Life Cycle: Female Ocelots reach estrus in 8 months, but Ocelots usually do not mate until they are 2 years old. Ocelots generally live 8 to 11 years.

How long will Ocelot stay with his mother?

Kittens begin to leave their burrows in 3 months. They stay with their mother for up to two years and then disperse and begin to establish their territory.

How does Ocelot breed?

Othelot duplication When mating, females find burrows in rocky cliffs, hollow trees, or caves of dense (preferably thorny) bushes. Mating is non-seasonal. The gestation period is estimated to be 70 days. .. The life of Ocelot is about 8-11 years.

What is the gestation period of an ocelot?

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