Full name
Why is Revolver called Ocelot?
His real name is Adamska, and after a confrontation with Naked Snake, he decided to use the revolver as his primary weapon. He was later known as the Revolver Ocelot because of the skills he developed with the revolver.
Is it Liquid Snake Ocelot?
Liquid Ocelot was often abbreviated as Liquid and was the alias used after Revolver Ocelot transformed into the spiritual Doppelganger of Liquid Snake. In 2014, he gathered mercenary troops to lead a rebellion against the Patriots and became the last enemy of his "brother" Solid Snake.
Who is Ocelot's mother?
БоссРевольвер Оцелот / Мать
Is it Liquid Ocelot Eli?
You may be looking for his Doppelganger, Liquid Ocelot. Liquid Snake, real name Eli, also known as White Mamba (Kongo: "Nyoka ya Mupenbe"), McDonnell / Master Miller, or simply Liquid, was the leader of FOXHOUND during the Shadow Moses incident.
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