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What is the largest primate in the world?

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Eastern Gorilla (Gorilla beringei) is an endangered species of the genus Gorilla and the largest living primate.

Are gorillas the largest primates?

Height is 4-6 feet and weighs 300-485 pounds. (135-220 kg). According to the World Wildlife Fund & amp; (WWF), gorillas are the largest primates in the world.

Which is larger, the orangutan or the gorilla?

No, orangutans are no bigger than gorillas, except for very young gorillas. Gorilla is by far the largest of all apes, and which monkey is larger than the


Apes are much larger than monkeys. The largest apes are male gorillas up to £ 500 and the largest monkeys are male mandrills up to £ 119.

What is the largest primate in the world?

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