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What is the origin of the word 'Foxy'?

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The first record of the word Foxy dates back to around 1520, and the use of slang dates back to around 1960. It is a combination of the word fox, which refers to animals, and the adjective suffix -y, which essentially means "like" (makes a foxie). Like a fox). Foxes are generally considered sly or cunning animals.

Where did the term Foxy come from?

Foxy is also an informal term for attractive people. This meaning comes from the Middle Ages. When the writer complained that the woman's clothes were too tight, she had to stuff the fox's tail behind her skirt to hide behind her.

What does Foxy mean?

Adjectives. If someone calls a woman Foxy, you mean she is physically and sexually attractive. [Mainly US, unofficial] Synonyms for Foxy

What does Foxy mean to men?

A male "foxy" means that he is sneaky and sneaky like a fox.

Is Foxy listed in the Oxford Dictionary?

foxy adjectives-definition, photo, pronunciation, precautions

What is the origin of the word 'Foxy'?

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