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What is the phylum of a sponges?

Animal Expert
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Sponge is a kind of aquatic animal, mainly marine multicellular animal, and comes with a lifestyle. It is distributed all over the world, from coastal areas to almost the deepest sea depths. There are about 8000 species. Wikipedia

Which gate does the sponge have?

Approximately 8,550 species of living sponges are scientifically classified into the phylum Porifera, which consists of four different classes. (Calcareous spongeum), and Homo screlomorpha. February 26th. 2021

Which gate is the sponge in and what does the name of the gate mean?

Which gate does the sponge belong to? What does the name of their gate mean? The Polyfera "Pore Bearing" sponge names one of the differences from all other animal phyla. They have a single body layer (monoblasts) and no true tissues, organs, organ systems, or body cavities.

What is the sponge class?

Calcareous sponge, Hexactinellid, Demosponge, and Homoscrelomorpha make up four classes of sponges. Each type is classified based on the presence or composition of spicules or spongins.

What is the gate that sponge belongs to Quizlet?

The sponge belongs to the sponge phylum ("has pores").

What is the phylum of a sponges?

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