Frogfish is an arbitrary member of the anglerfish family, frogfish family. frogfish are small, short, chunky, and sometimes covered with thorns
What is the smallest frogfish?
5 inches to less than 1 inch), or Antennarius pauciradiatus-dwarf frogfish (. 5 inches to 2 inches), but the most common in LFS is about 4 inches maculatus-warty. / clown Frogfish and pictus. Type name Painted frogfish, about 6 inches.
How big is the frogfish?
Frogfish, one of about 60 species of small anglerfish of the anglerfish family (Anglefish), usually found in shallow tropical waters. Frogfish are tough, large-mouthed, often prickly-skinned, rugged fish. The largest seeds grow to a length of about 30 cm (12 inches).
Can I keep a frogfish as a pet?
Surprisingly, frogfish can eat animals close to their size. For this reason, most coral reef fish do not produce good tankmates and are best kept in species-specific aquariums.
How big a tank does a frogfish need?
A good coral reef resident, the excellent Kumadori Kaeruan enjoys perching on a coral reef and requires at least a 20 gallon aquarium. Kumadori Frog Angler is a member of a sturdy aquarium, but not recommended for beginners.
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