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What is the smallest snake that can be kept as a pet?

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The ant's nest python is the smallest python in the world, only 24 to 30 inches long. There are also pythons with spots and pythons with large spots. These snakes have similar care requirements. 12 minutes. 2021

What is the smallest pet snake you can buy?

Their adult sizes can range from less than 2 feet to 6 feet, depending on the subspecies, so be sure to investigate if you are looking for smaller individuals. The New Mexico Milk Snake is one of the smallest species, culminating in about 18 inches. 21st. 2020

What is the easiest snake to keep as a pet?

5 Great Pet SnakesCorn Snake.California Kingsnake.Rosy Boa.Gopher Snake.Ball Python.5 Great Beginner Pet Snakes-Reptiles Magazine

What is the smallest snake variety?

Barbados Red Snake (Leptotyphlops carlae), a member who digs a small hole in the family Typhlopidae. With a maximum adult length of only 10.4 cm (4.1 inches) and an average weight of 0.6 g (0.02 ounces), it is considered the world's smallest known snake.

What is the most familiar snake?

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Corn snakes are considered to be the most friendly snakes and are certainly the most commonly owned. This is because they are very widely available and very easy to care for. They have also proven to be the most friendly and obedient snake breed.

What is the smallest snake that can be kept as a pet?

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