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What kind of animal is an ocelot for kids?

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Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is a wild cat that grows naturally in the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Latin America. 16 months. 2021

What kind of animal is Ocelot?

Ocelot (Felis, or Leopardus, pardalis) is a New World spotted cat found in the lowlands of southern Texas to northern Argentina. The short, smooth fur is patterned with elongated black-edged spots arranged in chains. The color of the top of the cat varies from light yellow or tan yellow to gray.

What is Ocelot for children?

Ocelot is nocturnal. In other words, it is most active at night. They use their keen sight and hearing to hunt rabbits, rodents, iguanas, fish, frogs, monkeys and birds. .. Like a domestic cat, Ocelot's rattling tongue can clean the last delicious bite of bone. Ocelot inhabits various habitats in the Americas.

What are the interesting facts about Ocelot?

Ocelot is certainly an intriguing animal, and the following facts will make you want to know more about these unique cats. Ocelot lives in the rainforest. .. Ancient Peruvians once worshiped cats. .. Every Ocelot coat is unique. .. Ocelot is a noisy eater. .. Their name comes from the Aztec language. .. They are nocturnal. 8 Mysterious Ocelot Facts-Treehugger

Is Ocelot a Mammal?

Ocelot-Animal facts. mammalian. Ocelot is a great mountaineer with a sleek and compact body that is about twice as long as a domestic cat. Ocelot rests on trees during the day and hunts primarily on the ground at night.

What kind of animal is an ocelot for kids?

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