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What kind of deer are found in Europe?

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Many national parks and reserves in Europe are home to Red Deer, roe deer and fallow deer. These species have long been associated with the continent of Europe, but also inhabit Asia Minor, the Caucasus Mountains, and northwestern Iran.

What kind of deer live in Europe?

European Deer Species There are quite a few of these European deer species and are common to different continents. The three most common species of deer native to Europe include European roe deer, fallow deer and red deer.

Is there a white-tailed deer in Europe?

White-tailed deer is not native to Europe, but was introduced from North America to the Czech Republic and Finland over a century ago. .. However, during World War I, the Dobzish forest enclosure was destroyed, and the deer fled their captivity, most of them remaining in the area. 2017

What kind of deer are there in Germany?

Red deer are found in many parts of Germany, with large numbers of people living in the Luneburgerheide, Harz, Eifel, Hessen, Taunus regions, and parts of the Black Forest and Feltzerwald. ..

What is the most common deer in the UK?

Red Deer is now widely distributed throughout the United Kingdom, expanding its range and number. Red deer prefer forests and forest habitats in England and southern Scotland, but can adapt to open marshes and hills, such as parts of Scotland and southwest England.

What kind of deer are found in Europe?

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