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What kind of front teeth do rabbit have how do they help them?

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Rabbits use incisors with sharp edges to slice the rough fibrous plants they eat like scissors. The teeth on their cheeks help them chew food into smaller pieces that are easier to drink. This tooth combination comes in handy in the wild.

What kind of front teeth do rabbits have?

Rabbits have four incisors, two at the top and two at the bottom. Immediately behind the maxillary incisors are two small peg-like teeth called auxiliary incisors or "peg teeth". In addition, rabbits have cheek teeth that they use to grind food.

How do rabbits use their teeth?

The teeth of all rabbits grow continuously throughout the life of the rabbit. Four large incisors are used to grab, tear and slice, and "cheek teeth" are used to grind and chop. At rest, the tip of the mandibular incisor is usually placed between the maxillary first molar and the peg tooth. 2016

What should the front teeth of a rabbit look like?

Rabbit front teeth should be checked weekly. They should be creamy white, smooth except for the vertical line in the center of the top, and end with a neat flea-shaped bite. 2021

Do rabbits have two front teeth?

Rabbits have easily visible incisors (anterior teeth) and molars behind the mouth that grind and bite. However, unlike rodents, the lagomorphs have two small tubular incisors (peg teeth) behind the large maxillary incisors.

What kind of front teeth do rabbit have how do they help them?

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