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What kind of personality does a hairless Chihuahua have?

Animal Expert
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23. 2021 ・ The variety is so small and delicate that it cannot withstand rough play. If you have children, you need to teach them to be kind and kind

What are the bad characteristics of Chihuahuas?

The problem with Chihuahua faces is that their owners keep them in a house or apartment because they tend to be awkward and agitated in nature and they are often a single show. is.

Does Chihuahua choose an owner?

It's unheard of for a Chihuahua to drive away or threaten a dog that is much larger than you. .. It is widely known that they are attracted to one person and reject new ones, which may be because dogs tend to prefer dogs that are more in sync with their personality.

Does Chihuahua have an attitude?

Chihuahuas also have a dog-like attitude, intelligence and vigilance. Therefore, despite their size, they can be considered the smallest watchdog in the world. 2021

What kind of personality does a hairless Chihuahua have?

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