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What poisonous snakes are found in Britain?

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The adder, also known as the European Viper, is the only venomous snake in the UK and is most likely to be seen. The adder grows to a length of 2 feet, and in some cases 3 feet, and has a unique zigzag pattern on its back.

Are there toxic snakes in the UK?

In the UK, only three types of snakes can be seen in the wild. The adder is the only venomous snake, but you should check for bites on all snakes as soon as possible. .. The adder is gray or reddish brown with dark zigzag stripes on its back.

What kind of toxic snakes are there in the UK?

Adder is the only venomous snake in the UK, but its poison is generally of little danger to humans. Biting by an adder can be painful and inflamed, but it is actually only dangerous to very young, sick, or elderly people.

Do you get pythons in the UK?

It is believed that about 2 million snakes are kept as pets in the UK. Corn snakes and royal pythons are the most popular species.

What are the four species of British snakes?

Identify the UKsnakesAdder. The adder is a grayish snake with a dark, very clear zigzag pattern on its back and red eyes. .. Grass Snake. Grass snakes are usually greenish in color, but they vary. .. Smooth snake. .. Slow worm. Identify British snakes.

What poisonous snakes are found in Britain?

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