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What type of water do dolphins like?

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Most dolphins are marine and live in the sea or brackish waters along the coastline. However, there are some species that live in freshwater streams and rivers, such as the South Asian river dolphins, the Amazon river dolphins, or the bots.

What kind of water do dolphins like?

Prefers a warm climate and thrives within a geographical range of 45 degrees north and south of the equator. Dolphins are found primarily in tropical and temperate waters such as the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, and Red Sea.

Do dolphins like hot or cold water?

Although they are warm-blooded animals, they tend to avoid the oceans near the Arctic and Antarctica. One of the most well-known species, bottlenose dolphins, prefers water between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Do dolphins like stormy water?

However, most sea creatures, such as dolphins, whales, and sharks, avoid rough surface waters and swim in calm waters. .. These currents are so strong that manatees can be pushed into inland canals and ponds, or away from your favorite coastal waters and into the open ocean.

In what water area do dolphins live?

Answer: Most dolphins live in the sea, but some species live in freshwater rivers.

What type of water do dolphins like?

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