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When did the ostrich become extinct?

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Extinction (1966) (IUCN 3.1)

When did the ostrich become extinct?

The Syrian and Arabian Syrian ostriches (S. camelus syriacus) became extinct in 1941. The ostrich is the only living species in the genus Struthio. The ostrich, in the order of Struthioniformes, is the only member of the Struthionidae family. Kiwis, emu, cassowaries, and

Why are the Arabian ostriches extinct in this group? See also

syriacus Rothschild, 1919; BROWN et al. 1983) And was known as the Arabian Ostrich (JENNINGS1986). Extinct in the wild due to excessive hunting and commercial exploitation (JENNINGS1986). Arabian ostriches became extinct in captivity at about the same time.

Do ostriches have eight hearts?

Eight hearts of healthy adult male ostriches (1.5-2 years old, weighing 122.1 ± 3.9 kg) were obtained from the slaughterhouse immediately after slaughter. Before removing the heart, the anatomical position within the chest was examined.

Are ostriches extinct?

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When did the ostrich become extinct?

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