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Where did most hominids evolved in the world?

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It suggests that modern humans were born in Africa from a single ancestral group within the last 200,000 years. Modern humans continued to evolve in Africa, spreading to the Middle East by 100,000 years ago, and perhaps 160,000 years ago. 20янв. 2020г.

Where did apes evolve?

Modern humans were born in Africa within the last 200,000 years and evolved from Homo erectus, the most likely recent common ancestor, which means "upright human" in Latin. Homo erectus is an extinct human species that lived between 1.9 million and 135,000 years ago21. 2021

Where were the apes born?

The earliest known apes appeared in Africa about 7 million years ago. Researchers generally agree that apes have evolved from a genus of cerebellum called Aw STRAAL oh PITH eh kus to homozygous.

When did apes evolve?

Fossil records, along with studies of human and ape DNA, show that humans shared a common ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos about 6 million years ago (mya).

Where did most hominids evolved in the world?

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