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Which bird can achieve the greatest air speed?

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The "bend" falcon is arguably the fastest flying bird, reaching 200 mph. July. 2010г.

Which bird has the fastest airspeed?

But first, some background: the falcon is arguably the fastest animal in the sky. It has been measured at speeds above 83.3 m / s (186 mph), but only when bending over or diving. 2016

What is the highest flying bird in the air?

Best Flying Bird 1 Ruppel Griffon Vulture-37,000ft 2 Common Crane-33,000ft. 3 Barrhead Goose-27,825 feet. .. 4 Hooper Swan-27,000 feet. .. 5 Alpine Benihashi Glass-26,500 feet. .. 6 Bearded Vulture-24,000 feet. .. 7 Andean Condor-21,300 feet. .. 8 Mallard-21000 feet. .. Fastest Flying Birds-WorldAtlas

What is the fastest and fastest bird?

The bird that can achieve the highest airspeed is the peregrine falcon, which can exceed 320 km / h (200 mph) when diving. .. Birds by flight speed Generic name Peregrine Falcon species Falco Peregrineus Maximum horizontal speed 110km / h 68mph Maximum wind speed 389km / h 242 mph

Which bird can achieve the greatest air speed?

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