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Who was the smartest monkey ever?

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The chimpanzee Kanzi can be lit and cooked, making him one of the smartest monkeys in the world. Kanji is one of the smartest monkeys. The 31-year-old bonobo chimpanzee not only knows how to use the tools, but also knows how to set a fire and fry his own meals.

What is the highest IQ in monkeys?

Isn't that what you intended? Among other primates, apes, especially chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas, are the most intelligent, with an average IQ of 70-90 according to tests.

What was the smartest chimpanzee?

Sarah (Full Name Saraan) (August 1959 ?, July 29, 2019 ?. Sarah is one of nine chimpanzees at the David Premac Psychology Institute in Pennsylvania.

Who was the smartest monkey ever?

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