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Why are brown banded roaches bad for You?

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Brown-banded cockroaches can bring dangerous bacteria and pathogens home and make you and your family very ill. They carry and spread bacteria and protozoa that cause gastroenteritis and diarrhea, asthma and allergies. They can also transfer diseased organisms that cause food poisoning and dysentery.

How bad is the brown-banded cockroach?

The brown-banded cockroach epidemic can pose a number of health risks. These cockroaches have been shown to carry and spread harmful bacteria and protozoa that cause gastroenteritis and diarrhea. More generally, indoor cockroaches have been found to cause asthma and allergies.

What attracts the brown-banded cockroach?

Brown-banded cockroaches prefer starchy foods (such as adhesives on stamps and envelopes), are common in offices and other places where paper is stored, and keep them very warm without air conditioning. It is often found in leaning apartments and homes. It is also widespread in livestock facilities, kitchens and hospitals.

Why are there brown-banded cockroaches in my house?

Due to its nocturnal nature, brown striped cockroaches are often most active at night. However, they can be found during the day and are usually looking for food. They search for shelter and enter homes and structures, and when they find it, they remain hidden for most of the day.

What do brown-banded cockroaches hate?

Brown-banded Cockroach Control Solution However, keeping your home clean, uncluttered and fresh-smelling helps discourage them from getting stuck in your home. increase. In particular, cockroaches dislike herbal and citrus odors, and mint is one of the most unpleasant odors.

Why are brown banded roaches bad for You?

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