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Why are spiders called arachnids?

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The word spider means "spider" in Greek. Legend has it that a girl called Arachne was transformed into a spider by the goddess Athena. then Athena turned her into a spider to look down on her.

What is the difference between spiders and spiders?

"Spider" is not just a Haifa rutin word for a spider. Spiders are spiders, but not all spiders are spiders. Arachnids are members of a class of animals, including spiders, scorpions, mites, and mites. What they all have in common, and what distinguishes them from insects, is the four pairs of legs, with no antennae. 2004

Reasons to turn arachnids into arachnids

Spiders are relatives such as spiders, arachnids, mites, mites, and scorpions that do not live in Michigan. All spiders have eight legs and, unlike insects, have no antennae. The spider's body is divided into two sections, the frontal chest and the posterior abdomen.

What are the three types of spiders?

The three orders (mites, scorpions, opiones) include familiar animals such as mites, ticks, scorpions, and daddy's long legs. Arachnids, harvestmen, beyond. .. Akari, ticks and ticks. .. Scorpions, Scorpions. .. What are the three types of arachnids other than Opilliones, Harvestmen, and other arachnids? --Mom.com pets

Do spiders mean spiders?

The term arachnid refers to a class of animals that includes spiders, scorpions, mites, and mites. Most spiders have a segment divided into two regions, with four pairs of legs in the anterior part, but no antennae. .. Spiders are found in almost every habitat in the world.

Why are spiders called arachnids?

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