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Why do people want to hold baby bunnies?

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In many cases, people are worried that the mother rabbit "doesn't eat so she needs to warm her baby before trying anything else."

Is it okay to hold a rabbit?

If you are careful, it is okay to welcome a baby rabbit. Rabbits are very fragile, so it's important to know exactly when and how to do it. If you pick up a baby rabbit by mistake, you may be injured. If you have a strong bond with your mother, you can handle baby rabbits from the time you are born.

Will I be thrown away if I touch the rabbit?

We have all heard myths. When you touch a baby rabbit (or, for that matter, a baby's wildlife), the mother sniffs your humanity and throws away your baby. You can die with one touch! It's completely nonsense!

What happens if I pick up a baby rabbit?

When you touch a baby rabbit, mom usually doesn't throw it away. Rabbits are wonderful moms. All they want is the baby to come back. If you feel that your baby is in a location where you cannot leave it until the nest is large enough for you to leave, seek advice from a wildlife rehab.

Why do people want to hold baby bunnies?

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