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Why does a mosquito not have teeth Class 6?

Animal Expert
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Answer: Mosquitoes rely on a liquid diet of sap or nectar from plants (male mosquitoes) or blood (female mosquitoes carrying eggs). Mosquitoes do not consume solids, so they have no teeth.

Why do mosquitoes have no teeth?

Answer) Mosquitoes have no teeth because they eat already digested food.

Do mosquitoes have teeth?

Mosquitoes have no teeth and run along both sides of a long-piercing tengu with 47 sharp daggers. Who needs teeth with such a weapon? The proboscis is the elongated part of the mouth that pierces the skin like a hypodermic needle.

How do mosquitoes eat food without teeth?

@ Rajneesh- Ajay answered correctly, mosquitoes have no teeth, they have tengu to pierce the host's skin and suck blood. 2013

How are carnivore teeth different from herbivore class 6 teeth?

Carnivores and herbivores have different types of teeth depending on the type of food they eat. Herbivores have teeth shaped to crush and grind plants. .. Carnivores have teeth shaped to slice and tear the meat they eat.

Why does a mosquito not have teeth Class 6?

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