"This long-maintained habit of all races has resulted in the animal's forefoot being longer and its neck longer than its hindpaw." In short, Kirin's long neck stretches repeatedly. And the result of generations of inheritance. 30 days. 2016 г.
Why does a giraffe have such a short neck?
Giraffes are taller than all other mammals, so they can eat leaves that other animals cannot reach. .. For this reason, the neck is getting longer and longer. It was called competitive advantage.
Why does a giraffe have a long neck bone, but humans do not?
It seems obvious. The giraffe's neck, which can be as long as 2 meters, was chosen because the owner has exclusive access to the top leaves of the tree and no other animals can reach them. Therefore, this is an adaptation designed to avoid food competition with other animals. 2016
What happened to the short-necked giraffe?
New studies show that giraffes simply did not evolve their long necks to reach the leaves. .. Lamarck's idea suggested that they would stretch their necks and pass on that growth from generation to generation. A modern genetic version of the idea suggests that natural selection for better height and reach was at work. 2017
Why do giraffes evolve to have longer necks?
The standard hypothesis, an extension of the argument outlined by Darwin in 1872, is that the competition for food has driven the evolution of the slender neck. .. Giraffes can be fed at different levels, and this ability to reach high during fierce competition certainly offers them benefits. 21 июн. 2017
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