Humans are fascinated by snakes, arguably
more so than any other kind of animal. This
fascination may be based on fear (some snakes are
undeniably dangerous), religious fervor (snakes
figure, for good or ill, in nearly all world mythologies
and religions), or curiosity (how does an animal
move without limbs?). Regardless, this fascination
has led to myths and an inclination to
attribute mystical powers or malevolent intentions
to these bizarre (by human standards) creatures.
Snakes are fascinating for purely scientific reasons
as well. Based on diversity and total numbers,
they are very successful. They have adapted
to amazingly varied lifestyles in spite (or maybe
because) of many unique features, the most obvious
of which is the combination of extreme body
elongation and lack of limbs. These, in turn, help
explain other features. For example, long, slender
bodies limit the size of the body cavity, requiring
that paired internal organs are offset (placed one
in front of the other) or that one organ is disproportionately
elongated and its counterpart reduced
or absent. Similarly, all snakes are obligate
carnivores (meat-eaters; that is, they eat other animals).
Plants are difficult to digest, and the simple,
straight digestive tracts that can be accommodated
in a snake's body are not long enough to
provide enough time in passage for vegetable
matter to be adequately broken down. However,
these characteristics that appear to define snakes
are shared with many other squamate reptiles,
whereas those that are unique to snakes (number
of body vertebrae; modification, reduction, or absence
of some skeletal features; location of the
ophthalmic nerve; eyes without ciliary bodies to
facilitate focusing) are comparable to differences
between other squamate reptiles.
Relationships Among Squamate Reptiles
For many years, squamate reptiles were divided
into three suborders, Sauria (lizards), Serpentes
(snakes), and Amphisbaenia (odd, mostly limbless
burrowers), but recent studies of relationships
indicate that snakes and amphisbaenians
are cladistically nested within lizards; in other
words, instead of being "cousins" of lizards, they
are siblings. Consequently, the traditional suborders
no longer reflect true relationships. They
are retained for the sake of convenience by some
authors, but only because they reflect clades
within Squamata. As suborders, they have no formal
taxonomic status.
Several distinct groups of snakes are recognized.
The Microstomata (small-mouthed snakes)
include small burrowing forms with blunt heads
and tails.Amongother snakes, two primitive families
(uropeltids and aniliids) are distinct from
macrostomatan (large-mouthed) forms, but many
relationships within the latter remain unresolved.
Body Forms and Habitats
Evidence suggests that snakes evolved as burrowers,
but snakes in many families have subsequently
and successfully exploited various habitats.
Fossorial snakes (burrowers) are small, have
conical heads (sometimes with modified snouts
that help them dig), reduced scales that often
overlap and reinforce sutures between skull
bones, tiny eyes, and mouths located underneath
the snout to avoid ingesting soil while burrowing.
Many have spines on their tails for use as anchors
when using the head to dig.
Arboreal snakes live in trees, and often are very
slender, although the center of gravity may have
shifted posteriorly so the rear of the body or tail
can be used as an anchor while extending the head
and anterior body over open spaces. To facilitate
extension, many have laterally compressed bodies
and enlarged scales along the back and belly;
this allows them to form a structure much like an
I-beam for support. Tails are long and may be prehensile
(capable of grasping branches). Eyes are
often large, as vision is more important than
chemical cues when searching for prey in trees.
Snakes that inhabit loose ground litter in prairies
or forests are small and often have enlarged
scales on their snouts, with which they root for
food. Like burrowers, body scales are usually
smooth to reduce friction and ease passage
through tight spaces.
Aquatic snakes often have eyes and nostrils on
the tops of their heads, and nostrils may be
equipped with valves. Many are heavy-bodied
and laterally compressed to increase the surface
area with which they push against water while
swimming. Scales are generally rough to increase
friction. Some sea snakes have fins supported by
extensions of their vertebrae. Most aquatic snakes
exhibit countershading (dark above, light underneath),
reducing their visibility to both prey and
potential predators.
Most snakes move by means of rhythmic waves of
muscle contractions that cause the body to undulate
laterally. Very heavy-bodied snakes often rely
on rectilinear propulsion. Instead of muscles on
the sides of the body working alternately, they
work in concert, contracting and
relaxing while drawing the
body forward in a straight line.
Enlarged belly scales or friction
with the surrounding substrate
(water in aquatic forms) prevents
backsliding. Concertina
locomotion and thrust creeping
are used by burrowers. In the
former, snakes first wedge the
anterior part of the body and
draw the posterior portion forward,
then wedge the posterior
region while extending the head
and anterior body. Thrust creeping
is very similar, except the
spiked tail is used as a posterior
anchor instead of a body loop.
The most unusual form of snake
locomotion is sidewinding,
which is employed on loose or
slick substrates. Loops of the
body are elevated and thrown
laterally to serve as the contact
points while the intervening areas
are raised. The advantage of
this method is that force on the
substrate is directly downward,
which reduces slippage. Regardless
of method, snakes are
not very fast. The world's fastest
snakes, large, slender mambas
(Dendroaspis) can achieve top speeds on ideal substrates
of about 12 kilometers per hour (about 7.5
miles per hour). Humans, in contrast, can sprint at
speeds up to about thirty-five kilometers per hour
(over twenty miles per hour).
Sensory Systems
Except for many arboreal and some actively foraging
terrestrial forms, most snakes rely primarily on
chemical cues to monitor their environment for
food, prospective mates, or danger. Limbless forms
are close to the ground and have a limited scope of
vision (in fact, most are nearsighted). Snakes also
lack external and middle ears, and are essentially
deaf to airborne sounds, although they are very sensitive
to vibrations of the substrate. Thus, the importance
of smell and taste is not surprising. Both
smell and taste are very well developed in almost
all forms, and are further enhanced by vomeronasal
systems. The moist, forked tongue collects chemical
molecules by flicking in the air or licking a substrate,
and delivers these to paired sensory pits in
the roof of the mouth. The importance of chemical
senses is reinforced by the role of pheromones in
snake reproductive ecology and observations that
many snakes will follow a convoluted scent trail
rather than rely on vision to directly approach a
mate or food.
Specialized infrared (heat) receptors occur in
several boid snakes and in pit vipers (Viperidae).
In boids, receptors are in pits on the lips or snout,
whereas pit vipers have a single pit between the
nostril and eye on each side of the head. These
sensors apparently are able to generate infrared
images that are superimposed on visual images.
Although obviously valuable to species that consume
mammals or birds, which generate body
heat, infrared imaging works equally well for species
that eat frogs or salamanders. Amphibians
have moist skins and lose evaporative heat to the
environment, appearing as distinct "cold" spots
in thermal images.
Killing and Consuming Prey
All snakes eat animal food. Some are know to scavenge
or eat dead animals, but most hunt and kill
live prey. Venom, often prey specific, is used by
some to immobilize and kill especially large and
dangerous prey. Constrictors use teeth to grab prey,
then rapidly loop one or more coils of their body
around it, tightening with each breath until the
animal dies of stress-induced cardiac arrest and
suffocation (constrictors do not crush their food).
Afew speciesmayuse loops of their bodies to press
prey against the substrate. Some venomous forms
constrict or compress prey while envenomating it;
others quickly inject venom and then follow the
prey's scent trail, ingesting it only after it dies.
Other snakes eat animals with limited defensive
capabilities, and prey is swallowed alive.
Snake teeth vary in number and size, but species
that hunt prey that is hard to hold (slimy fish
or snails that must be pulled from their shells)
generally have the longest teeth. Bird-eaters often
have long teeth to grasp the body of their prey and
avoid a mouth full of feathers while the prospective
meal escapes. Some snakes have upper jaw
teeth of approximately equal size, rear-fanged
species have enlarged posterior teeth that may be
grooved, and others (cobras and their kin) have
enlarged anterior fangs. Vipers and pit vipers
have very large fangs on small maxillary bones
that are rotated to erect the fang.
Most snakes can consume food much larger in
diameter than their bodies by using a kinetic skull,
a protrusible glottis (opening to the lungs) that is
used like a snorkel when the mouth and throat are
filled with food, and an elastic body wall not enclosed
by ribs. Using teeth as anchors, upper and
lower jaws on alternating sides separately "walk"
over the prey until it is ingested. Rhythmic muscular
contractions of the body wall then move the
meal through the digestive tract. The ability to
consume large prey reduces the need for frequent
meals, allowing snakes time to rest and conserve
energy before eating again.
Many snakes forage actively for food, rooting
through debris or scanning their environment
with one or more sensory systems. Some species,
however, lie motionless, often well camouflaged,
along a game trail, patiently waiting to ambush a
meal. Because this sit-and-wait strategy does not
require constant movement (other than the strike,
which may be lightning quick), snakes that employ
this method are frequently heavy-bodied
and capable of eating the largest prey items relative
to their body sizes.
Snakes in Need of Conservation
Snakes, because of the fear and revulsion they engender
in many people, are subject to greater persecution
than almost any other kind of animal.
They often are actively hunted and, in many parts
of the world, quickly killed whenever encountered.
Nevertheless, habitat destruction and alteration
are responsible formore declining snake populations
than any other single factor.Manyspecies
are exploited as food, especially in parts of eastern
Asia, and others are killed for body parts thought
to have medicinal or aphrodisiac qualities. Introduced
exotic species exact a toll.Manyisland populations
of diurnally active terrestrial snakes have
been extirpated by the mongoose, an effective
predator introduced to control introduced rat populations.
However, rats are nocturnal and mongooses
active by day; consequently they have a
much greater impact on ground-dwelling snakes
than on rats. The leather industry is responsible
for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of giant
snakes each year. In addition, many wild snakes
die each year as a consequence of being caught for
the pet trade, much of it illegal. Many species become
roadkills as they migrate. Only a few species
are formally protected in at least some parts of
their ranges, and many others may be nearing extinction
in spite of increasingly frequent efforts to
conserve them and their habitats.
Kingdom: Animalia
Subkingdom: Bilateria
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Superfamilies: Typhlopoidea, Booidea, Colubroidea
Families: Fifteen recognized, including Typhlopidae (blind snakes or
worm snakes); Leptotyphlopidae (slender blind snakes);
Aniliidae; Xenopeltidae (sunbeam snakes); Uropeltidae
(shieldtail snakes); Boidae (pythons, boas, and wood snakes);
Acrochordidae (wart snakes); Colubridae, with subfamilies
Dasypeltinae (egg-eating snakes), Pareinae, Dipsadinae,
Xenodontinae, Homalopsinae, and Colubrinae; Viperidae (vipers,
rattlesnakes, moccasins, and relatives), with subfamilies
Viperinae (OldWorld vipers) and Crotalinae (pit vipers); Elapidae
(cobras, mambas, coral snakes, and relatives); Hydrophiidae (sea
Genus and species: 450 genera, nearly three thousand species
Geographical location: Worldwide
Habitat: Terrestrial, aquatic, and marine habitats, except at very high
Gestational period: Some snakes lay eggs, whereas others bear live
young; clutch sizes range from one or two (tiny threadsnakes and
some sea snakes) to one hundred or more (large boas and pythons),
and the incubation period varies according to temperature
Life span: Varies by species
Special anatomy: No legs
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