Wolves are wild relatives of dogs and are represented
by two species, the gray and red wolf, with
variations within each species for a total of thirtytwo
described subspecies. At one time, wolves
lived throughout Europe, Asia, and North America.
The gray wolf, also called the timber wolf, is
the most common wolf species living in North
America and can be found mostly in Canada and
Alaska. Considered extinct in western Europe,
with a few exceptions, gray wolves live in Russia,
southeastern Europe, and Asia. Wolves’ ranges
have decreased due to urbanization. Most wolves
live in sparsely populated forest, tundra, wilderness,
and mountain regions and tend to avoid
people, approaching settled areas only when they
are starving or when natural crises, such as floods,
fires, and blizzards, cause their migration to populated
places to seek emergency food sources.
Gray wolves can attain a body length (from
nose to base of the tail) of 1.2 meters (4 feet) and
height of 90 centimeters (3 feet) at the shoulder.
They average forty-five kilograms (one hundred
pounds) in weight, with some wolves weighing
twice that amount, and have sharp teeth, thick
coats, tall legs, and bushy tails. Gray wolves have
primarily gray coats with some black, yellow, and
brown fur, although some gray wolves are solid
black or white, particularly in the Arctic. An endangered
species, red wolves live in the forests
and brush of the south central United States and
can be colored a hue ranging from reddish gray to
black. Hunting of gray wolves escalated as farmers
and ranchers penetrated wolf territory, their
livestock offering easy targets for the wolves. Humans’
retribution threatened decimation of the
gray wolf population. Efforts to replenish the
number of wolves include the reintroduction of
gray wolves toYellowstone National Park in 1995.
Pack Behavior
Hunting alone and in packs, wolves usually roam
over large territories with a family group consisting
of parent wolves and their offspring. Zoologists
believe that wolves mate with the same partner
for life, producing from three to nine cubs
annually in late winter. Digging an underground
den or appropriating a cave or hollow tree, wolves
give birth and raise their cubs in this space, where
the parents bring food until the cubs attain sufficient
maturity to hunt. During winter and other
stressful conditions, wolf families occasionally establish
a larger pack of as many as thirty animals.
The leader of a wolf pack, known as the alpha
male, disciplines pack members.
Wolves prey on both large and small animals,
including deer, moose, rabbits, birds, and mice
and also eat vegetables, fruit, and carrion. They
tend to hunt at night and can leap over obstacles
4.9 meters (16 feet) high, and travel up to fifty-six
kilometers per hour (thirty-five miles per hour) to
capture prey, sustaining thirty-two kilometers per
hour (twenty miles per hour) for several hours
when endurance is necessary to wear down elusive
prey. Wolves migrate to follow prey to other
areas. Scientists hypothesize that wolves howl in
order to communicate with other wolf packs.
Kingdom: Animalia
Subkingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Eutheria
Order: Carnivora
Suborder: Canoidea
Family: Canidae
Genus and species: Ten genera and thirty-five species,
including C. lupus (gray wolf), C. rufus (red wolf)
Geographical location: Wolves are not found
in Africa, South America, and Australia
Habitat: Mostly prairies, forests, and mountains
Gestational period: Approximately two months
Life span: Ranges from an average of eight to
twelve years, longer in captivity or domestication
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