Carduelis tristis
Carduelis tristis Linnaeus, 1758.
English: Goldfinch, wild canary; French: Chardonneret jaune;
German: Goldzeisig; Spanish: Dominiquito Canario.
The American goldfinch is about 4.3 in (11 cm) in body length
and weighs 0.5 oz (14 g). The male is colored overall a bright
canary yellow, with black wings marked with white bars, a
black tail, and a black face cap. The female is a more subdued
yellow, with dark wings and tail. The juveniles are oliveyellow,
with darker wings. During the winter, the male is not
so brightly colored.
The American goldfinch breeds throughout much of southern
Canada and the northern half of the United States. It winters
in extreme southern Canada, through most of the United
States, and northern Mexico.
The American goldfinch breeds in open, mixed-species forests
and shrubby places. It winters in shrubby habitats, old fields,
and parks and gardens.
American goldfinches have a distinctive, bounding flight. They
are migratory birds, breeding in northern parts of their range
and spending the winter wandering in the southern reaches.
They are highly social birds, particularly during the nonbreeding
season when they may form large flocks, often with
other finches. They often breed in loose colonies. Their
courtship and territorial display includes acrobatic aerial maneuvers
by the male, which also sings during flight. The song
is a high-pitched twittering, and there are also distinctive call
American goldfinches feeds on small seeds and grains, particularly
favoring plants in the aster family, including sunflower,
lettuce, and thistles.
American goldfinches arrive at the northern parts of their
breeding range in April or May, about the time dandelions and
some other early-flowering plants begin to set seed. However,
the species does not breed until about mid-July. In more
southerly locales, such as California, breeding can begin in
March and continue through July and even, in exceptional
cases, into November. Most pairs probably rear only one
brood per year. The reasons for the relatively late-starting
breeding of the American goldfinch is not understood, but it
may be related to the timing of the maturation of the seeds of
thistles, which are a major food for the young birds. The cupshaped
nest is woven of grasses and other plant fibers. It may
be placed in a large thistle or other tall weed, or in a shrub or
tree. The eggs are colored pale blue, and a typical clutch size is
four to five eggs. Incubation is 12–12 days by the female. Both
male and female feed the nestlings and fledging occurs in
11–17 days.
Not threatened. The American goldfinch is a widespread and
abundant species. There is evidence that its abundance has
been decreasing during recent decades, but it is not yet considered
to be a species at risk. The population decrease is likely
due to habitat loss through urbanization and the intensification
of agricultural practices, which result in fewer areas with weedrich,
shrubby habitat.
American goldfinches are well-known and popular birds. They
can be tamed and have been kept as caged songbirds, although
this is now rarely done.
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