Gymnorhina tibicen
Coracias tibicen Latham, 1802, Port Jackson (Sydney), Australia.
Polytypic with up to nine subspecies, the limits and identity of
which are controversial. Subspecies differ mainly in pattern of
back, whether white or black; size; proportions of bill; and
width of the black band on the tail tip. Four black-backed
subspecies occur across northern Australia south to the Pilbara
in the west and the Murray-Darling Basin and south coastal
New South Wales in the east; five white-backed subspecies
occur in southwestern and southeastern Australia, including
Tasmania, with an outlier in central southern New Guinea.
Opinion has varied over whether white- and black-backed
groups are distinct species, but they hybridize freely wherever
they meet. Intriguingly, the white-backed subspecies in southwestern
Australia and southern New Guinea have blackishbacked
French: Cassican flыteur; German: Flцtenvogel; Spanish: Urraca
13–17 in (34–43 cm); 8.8–12 oz (250–340 g). Pied, longlegged,
short-tailed magpie-shrikes with black heads, white
uppersurface with or without a black saddle across the back,
white tail with black tip, black wings with white shoulder
patch, and entirely black undersurface except for white undertail
coverts; eyes chestnut, feet black, and bills bicolored with
black tip and grayish white base. Females have shorter bills
than males and their dorsal white is clouded with gray; in
southwest Australian females, the black feathers of the saddle
are edged with white. Juveniles are much duller than adults,
dingy gray-billed, and pass through gray-breasted plumage before
reaching adulthood in their third or fourth year.
Throughout Australia, including east Tasmania but excluding
central treeless deserts and extreme north (north Kimberley,
Arnhem Land, and Cape York Peninsula), with an outlying
population in dry sectors of central southern New Guinea.
Introduced successfully in New Zealand, Fiji, and Guadalcanal.
Open woodlands, savannas, and rural fields with fringing trees,
windbreaks, and copses. A combination of extensive bare or
short-pastured ground (for feeding) and scattered groups of
trees (for roosting and nesting) is essential.
Australian magpies are bold, gregarious birds in settled areas,
adapting to human habitation and benefitting from the clearing
of land for rural purposes. Also sedentary and hold territory
year-round according to social order; top males occupy and
defend optimal territories that include one to several females,
while at the bottom rung are loose, locally mobile flocks (of
about 10 to 100 or more) of juveniles evicted from parental
territories and adults that have not yet gained or have lost
territorial status. Groups sing together from perches in rich,
organ-like fluted caroling to advertise territory. In group attacks
on predators (e.g., raptors) often much larger than themselves,
they yell in shrieking yodels, calling in mid-flight and alarming
the entire neighborhood. Flight is swift and powerful on
rapidly and deeply beating pointed wings. Magpies spend most
of the day feeding on the ground but rest and roost on perches
in trees or poles, each group sleeping as a loose unit in a single
tree or series of adjacent trees.
Ground-foraging invertebrate feeders, Australian magpies feed
on bare or short-pastured turf over which they can move easily
on long legs. They walk methodically like rooks (Corvus frugilegus),
head cocked, listening, and watching. Most prey, including
grubs, worms, and ground and burrowing insects, is dug
out of the ground with their straight, stout bills. Items are dispatched
and eaten on the ground at point of capture.
The breeding system is polygynous and territorial, one male
mating with one to several females and spending nearly all his
time defending them and his territory from other males.
Breeding, from nest-building to fledging, extends from early
spring to early summer (mid-July through August to December
or January), in territories of 7–25 acres (3–10 ha), or more in
arid areas. Only one brood is reared per year. All nesting duties
are carried out by the mated female, but she may be
helped in feeding young by other females in her group. Nests
are rough bowls of twigs, lined with finer fiber and placed in
the upper forks of trees at 10–50 ft (3–15 m) above the ground.
In near-treeless areas, Australian magpies will construct nests
with wire and place them on the spars of electricity poles.
Eggs, in clutches of three to five, are 1.45–1.53 x 1.02–1.10 in
(37–39 x 26–28 mm) and pale green to grayish blue, spotted
and/or streaked in earth reds, reddish browns, umber, and
dusky. No one clutch resembles another. Eggs hatch in 20–22
days and young fledge in another 28–30.
Not threatened; populations benefit by habitat clearing
throughout rural Australia.
A commensal around human habitation.
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