Animals World

List of animals on letter H



Type of animal science: Classification, evolution
Fields of study: Anatomy, evolutionary science, paleontology, systematics (taxonomy)
Hadrosaurs are a group of bipedal dinosaurs that were the most diverse and widespread large-bodied herbivores of the Late Cretaceous. The presence of eggs and nests provides evidence for hadrosaur social behavior.



Type of animal science: Classification
Fields of study: Anatomy, ornithology
Hawks are a diverse group of birds adapted to exploit a wide variety of habitats, prey, and climatic conditions. All hawks are distinguished by sharp, strongly hooked bills, a fleshy cere, and strong legs with sharp talons. Most are active and efficient hunters that use their keen vision to target and track suitable prey.



Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, ecology, reproduction
Fields of study:Anatomy, ecology, zoology
Herbivores, animals which eat only plants, include insects and other arthropods, fish, birds, and mammals. They keep plants from overgrowing and are food for carnivores or omnivores.



Type of animal science: Classification
Fields of study: Anatomy, wildlife ecology, zoology
The Hippopotamidae family has two genera, each with a single species. The two genera differ greatly in size, but both are characterized by a round tubular body, short stocky legs, broad snout, and a very large mouth.

Horses and Zebras

Horses and Zebras

Type of animal science: Classification
Fields of study: Anatomy, wildlife ecology, zoology
The Horses and Zebraspotamidae family has two genera, each with a single species. The two genera differ greatly in size, but both are characterized by a round tubular body, short stocky legs, broad snout, and a very large mouth.

Horseshoe crab

Horseshoe crab

Type of animal science: Classification
Fields of study: Anatomy, invertebrate biology, marine biology, systematics (taxonomy)
Horseshoe crabs are not crabs at all, being more closely related to spiders and scorpions. They have been around for at least 400 million years—before dinosaurs walked the earth—and have changed relatively little in that time.



Type of animal science: Anatomy, behavior, classification, physiology, reproduction
Fields of study: Ornithology, physiology, population biology, wildlife ecology
Hummingbirds are found only in North and South America. Classified in the general order Apodiformes, they have unique coloration and many of their feathers are iridescent. The rapid beating of their wings, which enables them to hover, produces a distinctive, recognizable hum.



Type of animal science: Classification, ecology, reproduction
Fields of study:Anatomy, ecology, zoology
Hyenas are wolflike carnivore-scavengers whose useful ecological functions derive from their diet of carrion and live animals from termites to antelope.



Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction
Fields of study:Anatomy, zoology
Hyraxes, rabbit-sized, furry mammals, look like rodents but are more closely related to elephants. Their foot pads optimize traction on rocks and in trees.

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