Demographic Parameters Whenconducting demographic studies, a demographer must gather certain types of basic information about the population. The first is the number of new organisms that appear in a given amount of time. There are two ways that an organism can enter a population: by being born into it or by immigrating from elsewhere. Demographers generally ignore immigration and concentrate instead on newborns. The number of new individuals born into a population during a specific time interval is termed the natality rate. The natality rate is often based on the number of individuals already in the population. For example, if ten newborns enter a population of a thousand individuals during a given time period, the natality rate is 0.010. A specific time interval must be expressed (days, months, years) for the natality rate to have any meaning. A second demographic parameter is the mortality rate, which is simply the rate at which individuals are lost from the population by death. Losses that result from emigration to a different population are ignored by most demographers. Like the natality rate, the mortality rate is based on the number of individuals in the population, and it reflects losses during a certain time period. If calculated properly, the natality and mortality rates are directly comparable, and one can subtract the latter fromthe former to provide an index of the change in population size over time. The population increases whenever natality exceeds mortality and decreases when the reverse is true. The absolute value of the difference denotes the rate of population growth or decline. When studying mortality, demographers determine the age at which organisms die. Theoretically, each species has a natural life span that no individuals can surpass, even under the most ideal conditions. Normally, however, few organisms reach their natural life span, because conditions are far fromideal in nature. Juveniles, young adults, and old adults can all die. When trying to understand the dynamics of a population, it makes a large difference whether the individuals are dying mainly as adults or mainly as juveniles.
Functions of Territory Territories can serve various functions, depending on the species. For some, the area defended is only a site where males display for mates; for others, it is a place where parents build a nest and raise their offspring; for others, it may be an allpurpose area where an owner can have exclusive access to food, nesting sites, shelter from the elements, and refuge from predators. These different territorial functions affect the area's size and the length of time an area is defended. Territories used as display sites may be only a few meters across, even for large mammal species. Territorial nest sites may be smaller still, such as the densely packed nest sites guarded by parents of many colonial seabirds. All-purpose territories are typically large relative to the body size of the organism. For example, some passerine birds defend areas that may be several hundred meters across. Although all three types of territories may be as ephemeral as the breeding season, it is not uncommon for all-purpose territories to be defended year around. The abundance and spatial distribution of needed resources determine the economic feasibility of territoriality. On one extreme, if all required resources are present in excess throughout the habitat, territory holders should not have a reproductive advantage over nonterritory holders. At the other extreme, if critical resources are so rare that enormous areas would have to be defended, territory holders might again have no reproductive advantage over nonterritory holders. If needed resources, however, are neither superabundant nor extremely rare and are somewhat clumped in the habitat, territoriality might pay off. That is, territorial individuals might produce more offspring than nonterritorial individuals. Studies of territoriality raise more questions than biologists can answer. Researchers investigate how large an area an individual defends and whether both sexes are equally territorial. They seek to determine whether the territories of different individuals vary according to quality. The density of conspecifics may influence territoriality; on the other hand, territoriality itself may serve to regulate population size, although evidence suggests that this is an incidental effect. All-purpose territories vary considerably in size, depending on the resource requirements of the individuals involved and the pattern of temporal variation in resource abundance. In some organisms, individuals only defend enough area to supply their "minimum daily requirements." In others, individuals defend a somewhat larger area-one that could still support them even when resource levels drop. In others, individuals defend territories that vary in size depending on current resource levels. For example, pied wagtails (European songbirds) defend linear territories along riverbanks that are about six hundred meters long during the winter. The emerging aquatic insects they consume are a renewable resource, but renewal rates vary considerably during the season. Rather than adjusting territory size to match the current levels of prey abundance in the habitat, wagtails maintain constant territory boundaries. This inflexibility persists even though territories that extend for only three hundred meters could adequately support an individual for about one-third of the season. In contrast, the territory size of an Australian honey eater varies widely during the winter. Nectar productivity of the flowers visited by honey eaters varies considerably during the season. By adjusting territory size to match changing resource levels, individual birds obtain a relatively constant amount of energy each day (about eighteen kilocalories).