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Are there any red foxes in Africa?

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Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), also known as common foxes, are a type of fox (Canidae) found in Europe, temperate Asia, North Africa, and North America. It has the largest natural distribution of terrestrial mammals except humans.

Can you find foxes in Africa?

The cape fox (Vulpes chama), also known as the fox, giant reed, or silverback fox, is a small species of fox that grows naturally in southern Africa.

Where is the red fox?

Known scope of deployment: Australia, Canada, USA, Northern Mexico. Introduced to Australia in the 1850s, the red fox is probably spread throughout the continent, except in the north-central region. They were recently introduced to Tasmania.

Are there red foxes in Egypt?

A subspecies of the red fox that occurs in Egypt is known as V.v. aegyptia, Tha'labahmar in Arabic. It is typically 76.7 to 105 cm in length and has a tail in the range of 30.2 to 40.1 cm. Weighing 1.8-3.8 kg, it is the largest fox in Egypt.

Where are the red foxes?

Red foxes can be found throughout the continental United States, from Alaska to Florida. The least populated is the southwest, where red foxes are very rarely seen. Red foxes like forest areas, rural and suburban areas, wetlands, and open areas of brushed fields.

Are there any red foxes in Africa?

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