After a kind cat became a surrogate mother, eight orphan hedgehogs survived against odds at a zoo in Vladivostok, Russia. The cat Muska hired a sharp chick after her mother died in a lawn mowing accident. 25th. 2017 г.
What is a Musha cat?
Muska, or the cat Muska, has created a sensation at the Sadgorod Zoo in southeastern Russia. On the zoo's Instagram page, she can be seen feeding a little Hoglet, the name of the baby hedgehog. Because of her strong maternal instinct, she took care of them as her own. 2021
What did the cat Musha have?
The zoo had little choice but to try to bring mammals with their new mother. The cat Musha still had milk left after taking care of a few kittens. Fortunately, the young men took her to her immediately. Not only does Musha feed Hoglet, she takes care of her baby at night. 27 July. 2017
Can a cat give birth to 12 kittens?
Cats usually have an average of 4 kittens in each litter, which ranges from 1 to 12 kittens. Larger littermates are more often found in breeds of pedigree such as Oriental, Siamese, and Burmese.
Can a cat give birth to eight kittens?
1-9 kittens are born on a litter. Most commonly, 4 to 6 animals. The first queen usually has a small amount of garbage. After giving birth, the mother calms down and feeds the kitten.
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