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How long do wild monkeys live?

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Monkeys can live in the wild for up to 40 years, and baboons are the longest-lived monkey species. However, the lifespan of interspecies monkeys ranges from 10 to 40 years. Baboons are the largest monkey species and live the longest. There are five types of baboons, most of which live in the savanna. The 22nd. 2021

Which monkey has the longest lifespan?

In contrast, capuchin monkeys (Capuchin monkeys) have a slow life history, have the longest lived life of any reported monkey, are astonishing at 54 years, and have a few apes. It exceeds (Judge and Carey2000).

Do monkeys live longer in captivity?

Studies of more than 50 species of mammals have shown that zoo animals live longer than wild animals in more than 80%. .. This effect was most pronounced in small, fast-paced species.

How long do wild monkeys live?

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