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How long does it take for cabbage white caterpillars to turn into butterflies?

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This occurs about 18 to 20 days after receiving the egg. See "Chrysalis to Adult Butterflies" below for detailed instructions. "Chrysalis" is the name of the pupal stage of the butterfly life cycle.

How long does it take for a cabbage white butterfly to become a butterfly?

Large White eggs are often laid in batches of 10 to 20 eggs and hatch into slightly hairy yellow and black caterpillars in about 2 weeks.

How long does the cabbage white butterfly stay in the cocoon?

Caterpillars stay in the pupa for about 10-14 days. On the final day, the pupae become transparent and you can see the color of the butterflies inside.

What is the season for cabbage whites?

Adults lay eggs from May to June and from July to September. This means that you can find Brassica cabbage whites from late spring to autumn. 2019

How long will the cabbage white butterfly live?

The lifespan of the cabbage white butterfly depends on the weather. Butterflies usually live for 3 to 6 weeks, which is approximately 21 to 42 days. I spend only 3 weeks as an adult. In the Southern Hemisphere, you can see up to 6 generations of cabbage whites in a year.

How long does it take for cabbage white caterpillars to turn into butterflies?

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