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What is a group of black cats called?

Animal Expert
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The real name of the group of cats is Clouder. well, that's just the beginning. You can also call a group of cats cluttered (I think it makes a little more sense) or dazzling (I can't even guess). October. 2015 г.

What do you call a group of stray cats?

Stray cats live in a family group called colonies and can be found wherever there is food. Stray cats can survive almost anywhere and are found all over the world. Stray Cat Caretaker – An individual responsible for the health and well-being of a stray cat colony.

Why is it called a herd of cats?

Today, the correct term for a group of cats has been found to be "crowder". .. This Late Latin is probably derived from the Afroasiatic word "kaddîska". This means "wild cat". 18 июл. 2011

What is a group of 3 cats?

"Clouder" is the most commonly used term in groups of cats, but there are several other terms used to describe three or more cats. A cluster of cats.

What is a group of black cats called?

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