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How many hedgehogs are born in a litter?

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Baby hedgehogs are called hoglets. The average number of litters is 4-5, but it can be as high as 7. However, weaning is usually only successful in two or three. Mothers tend to throw away or eat hoglets when disturbed.

How long do hedgehog babies stay with their mothers?

By the beginning of November, you should weigh about 500 grams. Otherwise, you may need to go to a wildlife hospital for wintering. How long are young hedgehogs with their mothers? The hedgehog mom feeds the baby for up to eight weeks and then leaves her to protect herself.

Will the hedgehogs return to the same garden?

Hedgehogs are not territories, but they visit the same gardens and specific areas at about the same time each night and seem to follow normal habits.

Do hedgehogs go back to sleep in the same place?

Whatever the reason for the cyclical migration, nest changes are most common in the spring when hedgehogs are most active, less frequently during the winter, but the hedgehogs are the same throughout the winter. It is rare to stay in hibernation.

How pregnant are hedgehogs in the UK?

Hedgehogs usually have a gestation period of 32 days, but may vary slightly.

How many hedgehogs are born in a litter?

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