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What is the average size of a baby tiger?

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The tiger cub is born blind and is completely dependent on its mother. A newborn tiger cub weighs 785 to 1,610 grams (1.75 to 3.5 pounds). The tiger cub's eyes open between the 6th and the 12th. But they don't have a complete vision for weeks.

How big is a 1 year old tiger?

14! Our tiger cub has grown tremendously in just one year. All three cubs were born weighing less than 7 pounds each. A year later, Kash now weighs over 200 pounds and both girls weigh about 170 pounds.

How big is a 9-month-old tiger?

He said a 9-month-old tiger weighs 175 pounds and can reach as much as 600 pounds. "Fortunately for us, he is very trained," he said. Houston police said the owner had handed over the tiger in western Houston after the owner's friend spoke to BARC.

How long will a tiger be a baby?

After 16 weeks of gestation (about 3.5 months), tigers usually give birth to live littermates consisting of 3-4 pups. However, although rarely all survive, it is known to produce up to 7 cubs.

What is the average size of a baby tiger?

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