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What do you call a group of rattlesnakes?

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Оценка 5,0 (12) A group of rattlesnakes is called rumba. The scientific name "crotals" is derived from Greek and means "castanets". The 36 known rattlesnake species are

What is a group of rattlesnakes?

A group of snakes is commonly referred to as a bed, den, pit, or nest, while a group of rattlesnakes is called a rumba or rumba.

What is a mountain of snakes?

Groups of snakes are usually holes, nests, or burrows, but the collective nouns for certain types of snakes are more fancy, as they are generally considered lonely creatures.

What do you call a group of pythons?

Groups are called Snakedens or Pits. .. In addition to the study or hole, one may use another collective noun, such as a snake knot or a snake bed.

What do you call a group of rattlesnakes?

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