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What is the life cycle of a cabbage worm?

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Life cycle They lay up to 200 small yellow eggs on the underside of the host plant, usually the leaves. These hatch into larval larvae in 7 days or more (depending on the temperature). The larvae feed in large quantities for at least 15 days and then pupate on the surface of the lower leaves or nearby garden objects.

How long does a cabbage worm live?

It takes about 30 days from egg to adult. Adult butterflies mate, lay eggs, and live for up to 3 weeks under proper nutrition.

How active is Spodoptera frugiperda?

The cabbage white butterfly and the cabbage white butterfly inhabit the garden from early spring to late autumn. Gardeners need to be vigilant throughout the growing season to prevent damage to crops by cabbage worms, as several generations occur each season and increase towards the end of the season.

How long does it take for a cabbage worm to hatch?

These eggs can hatch in 4-8 days, depending on the warmth of the eggs. Eggs hatch into small green insects (Image 2) and reach about 1 inch in length when mature. Worms munching on your plants for 7 to 15 days before becoming pupae.

How long does it take for a cabbage white butterfly to become a butterfly?

Large White eggs are often laid in batches of 10 to 20 eggs and hatch into slightly hairy yellow and black caterpillars in about 2 weeks.

What is the life cycle of a cabbage worm?

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