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What is an animal fiber sponge?

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Natural sponge refers to the following. Luffaaegyptiaca, plant fiber sponge. Sponge, animal fiber sponge. Topics referenced by the same term. Disambiguation icon.

What are sponge animals made of?

They are one of the simplest animals, without special organs such as the heart and lungs, and without movement. The sponge lives on the rocks on the seabed. Their bodies consist of a skeleton made of a soft material called spongin and leather-like skin broken by pores.

What is an animal known as a sponge?

One of the sponges and the primitive multicellular aquatic animals that make up the sponge phylum. Approximately 5,000 species are listed and inhabit all oceans that attach to surfaces above 8,500 meters (29,000 feet) deep from the intertidal zone.

What is animal sponge used for?

The most common known use is for personal hygiene. The sponge is very soft to the touch and is ideal for washing babies a few months old. Both adults and those with sensitive skin appreciate the quality and enjoyment of using natural sponges.

What are the 5 types of sponges?

Sponges fall into four classes: calcareous sponge (Calcarea), glass sponge (Hexactinellida), demosponge (Demospongiae), and recently recognized coated sponge (Homoscleromorpha).

What is an animal fiber sponge?

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