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What is another name for webbed feet?

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Webed toes are also known as "twin toes," "duck toes," "turkey toes," "wooden toes," and "tiger toes."

What is a webbed foot called?

Two or more fingers or toes are fused, or the medical term for "web" is syn-dak-tuh-lee.

What is another word for webbing?

On this page you can find 19 synonyms, antonyms, formulas, and related words in Webd.

What are duck legs?

The legs of a duck, commonly known as a waterfowl, are called palmates. This is the most common type of webbed foot. .. The legs are triangular in shape and are found in many aquatic birds such as ducks, seagulls, terns, swans and geese. The word "palmate" comes from the Latin word "palmatus" which means "shaped like an open palm".

What are the terms for webbed fingers and toes?

Syndactyly is a condition that has been present since birth (congenital), characterized by webbed or combined fingers or toes.

What is another name for webbed feet?

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