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What is the 2nd largest fish in the world?

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Basking sharks are the second largest fish in the world, and like the largest fish (whale sharks) and the largest animals (great whales), basking sharks are filter feeders that eat small floating prey.

What are the three biggest fish?

Rank Animal Maximum Length [m (ft)] 1 Whale shark 18.8 meters (61.7 feet) [2] 2 Sunbathing shark 12.27 meters (40.3 feet) 3 Great white shark 7 meters (23 feet) 4 Tiger shark 7.5 Meters (25 feet)

What are the top 5 largest fish?

The 10 largest fish species living today, 1 whale shark. Whale sharks can grow up to 41.5 feet and weigh up to 21.5 tonnes and are the largest living species today. 2 Whale shark. .. 3 Great white shark. .. 4 Tiger Shark. .. 5 Manta Ray. .. 6 sunfish. .. 7 Sharp tail mora. .. 8 Hood Winker Sunfish. .. 10 Biggest Fish Species Living Today-WorldAtlas

What is the Biggest Fish in the World?

The largest fish in the ocean are the Rhincodon typus or whale sharks. Despite its huge size and intimidating appearance, whale sharks are generally obedient and friendly. Keep a distance and give them the respect and space they deserve.

Are there any fish larger than Megalodon?

Megalodon was certainly the largest shark ever known to live, but it wasn't the only candidate for the largest fish! .. It is estimated that Leedsichthys is about 16.5 m long, which is significantly larger than the average Megalodon.

What is the 2nd largest fish in the world?

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